Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Three Musketeers!!

After a long time i laughed so hard that my stomach hurt and my eyes watered!!
Birthday madness started from friday with lunch with Deepti and Neetika. Had thai food...neetika nearly dropped the soup on the lady serving us!! The waitress seemed to be pissed about something and we were actually hesitant in asking her to serve us!!! LOL!!
And I finally got to go to TJ Maxx!!! The best part was the two hooded cool summer dress!!! Am sure D and N are going to hold that on me forever!!
Then N's urgency to go to office and offering to pick us back in an hour!!! That was the most hilarious part..
We laughed so much that even N's Formula 1 Driving Style did not bother us and for the first time N was worried about getting a ticket for driving and laughing!!!
N if u never got a ticket for the way you drive I wonder what do they actually give tickets for!!
D was sitting with hands clenched to the seat and was busy telling N..red light hai..yahaan stop ker!!

But we had a great time..was like college days again!! Laughing and talking and screaming all at the same time!!
Good to have good friends!!:)


Unknown said...

Experience of life time!!!
Luv u guys:)

Unknown said...

Sumita...i still find it hard to believe that you would not want that hood dress!! Come on, you know it will look cute! If I ever get the ticket, it would be because of both of you and nothing to do with my "Safe and cautious" driving!
Deepti will surely get a ticket for "Back seat driving". Her comments are such a big distraction to any sane driver and on top of that Sumita's HAAHAHA laugh!
All good at end...really enjoyed!
You guys are awesome..any party without your company is incomplete!

Unknown said...

SAFE AND CAUTIOUS DRIVING!!!NITIKA!!! Have the meannings english language changed or am i reading it wrong!!! Holy Cow!!

Yup am now looking for the two hooded dress!!! I miss IT!!!!

Unknown said...

Neetika is "The Boss" na that's why she forced English language to change the meanings.

Unknown said...

English language is same...."Safe and Cautious" means what it has always meant in history.....You guys are biased and a bad influence on everyone around! Soon, I will prove it that I am a very good driver. Next time we go out, I will drive like Deepti!! Never change lanes... LOL..
And what is this "Boss" thing! I never get treated that way.....Seems like you want to change the English meaning of "Boss"...lol
Sumi! are you ever going to come to office? Oh yeah, I will be in office tomorrow but not on Wednesday....Hope to see you soon!