Monday, December 22, 2008

Mystery of the Hawaian Roosters - Solved!!

Phew after a long time am back on my blog, continuing from where I left last, the mystery behind the roosetrs, hens and chicken in Kuai in Hawai..
The Philipinos on the island had got the fighter cocks for their entertainment ( that explains the aggression in the roosters and hens there!!!) In1995 or so there was a big tornedo in the island and as a result the roosters with their hens and chicken got into the whirlwind and were scattered all over the island ( literally , any part of the island, no matter how remote, you will hear Cock A Doodle Doo!!!)
And ofcourse we did ask the local Hawaianswhy dont they eat them - the answer - they dont taste good!!!
And they also have a menace of goats!!!
Hearing all this my first instinct was that it is a dream place for a Sardarjie ka Dhaba!!! Fresh Tandoorie Chicken and Mutton!!!


Deepali said...

Hahaha that's quite funny. I mean imagine a tornado scattering around roosters and hens.

Btw doesn't chicken taste like chicken?

Unknown said...

yes we thought so was rather funny.
Well what we were told is that this chicken is very hard....well we will take their word for it ..for we did not do any Fresh Bar Be Cue...Fresh is the word as you see!!