Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Resolutions 09

New Year with new resolutions, new issues and new ways to keep them at bay or rather get them sorted...
So unline every year I did not make any resolutions this year..but now as time is going by I think I should ...Keeps the tradition going...and that also means breaking the resolution in the first month but always have a good reason for it!!!
So I have decided on this year's resolution....a happy healthy life ( which includes loosing weight) But I would this year not pinpoint my resolutions but rather put them in a broad gambit...so a happy healthy life...and in case at the end of the year i am still as BIG as i am now...I would have still achieved half of my resolution...all that eating and drinking that helped me keep my BIG stature atleasr made me happy!!!!
Diplomacy with self is the word!!


Deepali said...

Hahaha I like the 50% of resolution achieved bit. But tell me somehting if you do end up losing weight aren't you still achieving only 50%? (you know little all the eating and drinking taking away your happiness hehe).

Oh and come on how can you call yourself BIG?

Unknown said...

yes actually u are right..no matter what I would be 50% happy..but then I am a contented person..50% is good enough for me...