Friday, February 6, 2009

It's a Full Circle

Now Americans are moving back into living with their the intergenerational families that now Indians are abandoning, economic woes is making the americans take it up. Now Kids with their kids are moving back to mom dad's home...making three generations living together....and did i hear someone say..oh in India adult kids live with their parents..tsk tsk tsk...welll it has it's own the First World is now slooooooowly learning!!!

1 comment:

Deepali said...

Well it's kind of funny how things work that way. I remember when Yoga was becoming really big, this one teacher saying 'In India, we have no value for things. Finally the US has woken up to the greatness of things from the East. Once it's a huge fad there, hopefully people will start doing it here also. And then finally what you are choosing to let go as old and traditional, at least you will start doing again because it will be popular'.

But ya there is good and bad to everything and living with folks does help economically.