Friday, August 8, 2008

Irony of Fate

When in India, I did not have a car and neither could i drive but by the grace of the of the Transport Deptt had a license and now here in US, I have a car now know finally how to drive BUT dont have a license!!!
:( ॥still have to drive with a valid driving license holder sitting in the car!!!
वोह दिन कभी तो आयेगा !!!!!!


Deepali said...

:) Ah well only a little time longer right. I personally would prefer never to drive.

Unknown said...

Beleive me toooo...but here life get's kinda difficult without driving!!
It took me a year..but yes even today if i can afford a driver..I will..( dream dream dream)

Unknown said...

Mantra : Don't take your fundu Lexus for driving test:)