Friday, September 12, 2008

Now in my new house...

Now am in my new house...sometimes miss the coziness of the old small flat..but then i am getting fond of this house easily do we adapt..
So much to do and so much more to clean...and grass to mow..ooh i miss India !!! mali, driver, bai, cook..aah am getting nostalgic!!!


Deepali said...

Congrats. The house look very nice.

Hehe my uncle always says that if you want to feel rich you have to live in India (or rather Asia) cause in the US you end up even cleaning the toilet while in India you can sit around anywhere in the house and get a glass of water delivered to you

Unknown said...

I could'nt agree less with your uncle...even in california where help is still available, u cant afford to have them over more than once a week.!!!

Sunisha said...

Holy mother of all gods!
You live in THAT mansion???

Unknown said...

ha ha ha ha ha...i love the expression..Holy mother of all gods..actually first i read it as Holy mother of all Ghosts...