Friday, September 12, 2008

Trip to Goaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

So much happened....

people getting scandalized... Tariq...laughing riot - Deepali - my partner in laugh!!..the train journey - Sandesh and his one liners..Ratan and his jokes. Marion and her German sense of humour !!!

Roaming around in Goa in middle of the night, Hitching rides from trucks and lorries, encountering police, Sitting on eggs!! Beer crates!!! and delivering milk - all in one night!!

The super intensive sessions, the trancy dancing, the crazy laughing session ( Deeps I will never ever get over the bus ride!!), knowing people better...

Realizing not all people are bad in this world..there are some super nice people tooo who make this world go..

People still believe if they help someone in need, someone will surely help them when they need help..people who believe in this cycle still exist!!

Simple people who say what they think without any pretence, which is such a lost virtue in today's world - Vikas, Pratik!! ( well both commented on my age....but it was so genuine...he he he he he he )

Meeting my family, realizing what a lovely place Goa is..esp after Delhi and Mumbai!!!

1 comment:

Deepali said...

Oh man I can't believe how generous the people of Goa are. The reach camp was totally brilliant.

Lollll vikas' comment was hilarious.

The off-site was totally unbelievable. I am glad I made it.