Tuesday, January 27, 2009

An American in Gandhi's India

How many of us know of the only American who was jailed cause he was a part of India"s Freedom Struggle and how many of us know of the man who got the Red Apples to Himachal Pradesh.

It was rather pleasant to meet Mrs Asha Sharma author of the book "An American in Gandhi's India". She's the grand daughter of this American Indian, Samuel Evans Stokes, who later was known as Satynand Stokes.

This is what Mahatama Gandhi had to say in an article in Young India on Stokes’ arrest, "This is a unique move on the part of the government. Mr Stokes is an American who has naturalised himself as a British subject who has made India his home in a manner in which perhaps no other American or Englishman has... But that he should feel with and like an Indian, share his sorrows and throw himself into the struggle, has proved too much for the government. To leave him free to criticise the government was intolerable, so his white skin has proved no protection for him..."


Deepali said...

Wow must had been a very interesting meeting. Have never heard of Mr.Stokes.

Unknown said...

It was indeed..infact the Himachal Pradesh CM is the daughter in law of this Mr Stokes.
will send u the link of the first few chapters of the book