Friday, September 26, 2008


How some people feel they are old by the time they reach mid thirties or early forties..
They say our time has gone..I dont agree with it..I think the past was fun and the present is fun too. Just that some things have changed, which is rather natural.. we have gone matured, more experienced and some life style changes that one has to make in every stage of life.
Ageing is nothing's a natural process and one has to make the most of it.
I dont think i would ever want to exchange my present life to my twenties. That time was fun, a lot of fun, thoroughly enjoyable but that's gone and now i am in a new phase and enjoying it..
Sincerely I do not understand people who look back and cry about having lost "that" time. What I tell those people is that in crying over the past you are making sure that you continue this vicious cycle..just to complicate..when today's present becomes past would still be crying you are wasting your present crying about the past....ha ha ha h..this looks complicated enough!!!


Unknown said...

We tend to assume others think, feel and react to the world the way we do.This is "Projection" right?

Deepali said...

Man I should make you meet this friend of mine - she never wants to be over 28 (don't know why).

But ya I think I understand the whole 'phase' thing. I feel that way sometimes. School phase done. College phase done... you just keep moving on. I mean I never want to go back to school for sure cause it wasn't fun but I wouldn't want to go back to college either. Okay maybe cause work is better but somehow I feel, no matter how great work is right now, I will not want to come back to it (maybe cause the trend is that life gets better hehe). But lets see. Will let you knew by next year if I am in my next phase.

Unknown said...

Deeps...are you in your next phase now..what is it?

Deepali said...

Naah not yet - this is still work phase and it's good. Maybe next year will be the next 'phase' (if I manage to do the thing I want to do).

Sen1975 said...

If anything, don't agree with the saying age is just a number, it's so much more. It's a reflection of individual experiences and the takeaway from all of them. What is perhaps more important is not to have too many regrets and what ifs, live in the present and make the most of it.