Monday, September 15, 2008

Positive thinking

Does positive thinking actually alter or transform life!!!!


Deepali said...

Well I have a funda on this. If you feel good then you should push the high. If you feel like hell you should ride it out instead of trying to make yourself feel positive because if you are down you are down - no matter what you say your brain 'feels' differently.

Anyway not sure if it sounds logical. When I catch you online I'll explain what I mean.

Unknown said...

I kinda understand it...I too believe in the philosophy of letting it out of your system..whether it's love, hate , anger happiness ( or even laugheter) or any kind of point supressing it!!! are we on the same wavelength??

Deepali said...

Yup sort off. I don't believe in 'letting it out of your system' so much as letting it blow over. In the sense I won't be active with the feeling but will wait for some other feeling to become stronger and take it over.

Btw I have found that music immediately makes me feel better when I am having a terrible day.

Sen1975 said...

Tend to think both good and bad stuff happen in batches, probably explains good and bad phases. And yes, it's all in the mind, when bad things happen, your thinking tends to turn negative, which in turn can affect ones confidence and lead to doing things which can be life altering.