Thursday, October 16, 2008

Internet Ads

The One difference internet marketing has to do is to make the customers feel like they are wanted and not that they are just a demograph of the targetted group. In the Virtual world like the real world the customer should feel wanted, they need attention, just like the marketeers need the customer attention. It's a give and take of attention.It needs to
be done in a way that feels natural and unsurprising and with feelings. The ads on the internet are somehow very impersonal. The best way out to reach the customer would be somehow to make those ads more personal. Any ad apprearing on my search should make me feel that it's just for me as it comes up on my search. In my opinion this would be one way of getting the desired customer involved.

I am sure there is a lot to add to it and would definitely put more thought on this post.

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