Friday, October 31, 2008

Learnt New Words!!

mouse potato
Function: noun
Etymology: after couch potato
Date: 1993
slang : a person who spends a great deal of time using a computer

sandwich generation
Function: noun
Date: 1987
: a generation of people who are caring for their aging parents while supporting their own children

BAGGRAVATION, noun. A feeling of annoyance and anger one endures at the airport when his bags have not arrived at the baggage carousel but everyone else's bags have!

DISORIENT EXPRESS, noun. A state of confusion.

EATERS COMA, noun. A condition characterized by sluggishness, sleepiness, and often a lack of motivation to do anything but rest/relax or sleep; a condition whose onset occurs shortly after a meal, usually dinner.

F.I.N.E, adjective. acronym (F*cked up, Insecure, Neurotic, and Emotional). Usually derogatory.

VERTICALLY-CHALLENGED, adjective. Short, not tall .

Conscience is the still, small voice which tells a candidate that what he is doing is likely to lose him votes.

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