Wednesday, October 29, 2008

television - then and now

Thinking about India and the old days my thought went to the time when there was only one channel there, Doordharshan (India’s official terrestrial channel) Days. There were times fixed for people to watch the shows and on sunday evenings people would not even visit each other's homes as everyone would be watching the movie being shown!!! Some poular ones were Chitrahaar, Phool Khile hain Gulshan Gulshan...I still remember Chitrahaar was sponsored by Topaz blades!!
And then later on when the epic Ramayan was shown on sunday mornings, the streets actually wore a deserted look!!
And now with 24x7 TV , there is nothing worth watching.. so many times I sit with the remote and all I do is channel switching..even the news is so boring!!! Watching news in TV is no longer the same as it was before. Due to competition among the news channels all that is done is sensationalisation ( if there is any word like that) in the channels rather than the news.
And here in the US, TV channels are so polarised can know by the news presentation whethere they are Replublicans or Democrats!! Even the so called comedy channels do the same..patronise the party they belong to..Gimme a break!!!


US said...

Something to cheer you up :)

Sunisha said...

Chitrahaar wednesdays 8:30 pm
Chhayageet Thursdays 7:30 pm
Rangoli Sunday 7:00 am
Malgudi Days... Damn I miss those days..

Unknown said...

Waah Sunisha Tum ko toe sabke time bhie yaad hain..I thought remembering sponsors of one show was a big deal!!!

Unknown said...

Ullas this is such great fun!!! Really Nostalgic!!! This ad also used to come during the sunday film and chitrahaar...

Deepali said...

Haha for a TV lover/addict I barely watched TV as a kid. I guess my parents weren't into television that's whey we never got hooked. Ramayan and Mahabharat (I hate adding the 'a' in the end) were regulars though. Every Sunday without fail. Nukkad I remember (or at least the name), there was a Tenalirama I think and that detective one which again I can't remember the name of - Karamveer or something(?)

Anyway ya you're right lots of times so much on TV but nothing worth watching.