Thursday, October 23, 2008

I am confused - About God.

I am confused about GOD!! I have been taught God is Pure Love but then why do the so called holy books or books used for the ceremonies or Pooja's talk of God as being jealous, condemning judgemental, harsh and in some places egoistic. ( Cause you did not do the pooja properly so I am angry with you!!! and hence you are suffering!!!) Does this all not make God with emotions and put Him in the same realm as humans (which He/She is not)?
I do not think that God is petty... God is not jealous. Jealous is a negative emotion. God would not be negative. God is not condemning and judgemental.
God whether a He or a She is not sitting there to judge or condemn but rather as a force to help one out!!

1 comment:

Deepali said...

Haha sorry can't help you with this one.